Here you will find all the crystal chips that are in our candles. The crystals chips are a surprise, unless you order a custom candle. FluoriteMental enhancement and clarity. Element Wind Chakra all Aquamarine Enhancement of clear communication Element Water Chakra Throat and Heart ObsidianPsychic protection and Cleansing of negativityElement Earth Charka Root Smokey QuartzTransmutation of negative energiesElement Earth Charka Root Rose QuartzLove and emotional healing Element Water Charka heart Howlite Jasper Soft, soothing, and tempering the storm Element Water Chakra all Pink OpalSense of peace, calm, and tranquility to the heart Element Water Charka heart Mookaite JasperEarth healing and connection with nature Element EarthCharka all AmethystProtection and divine connectionElement WindChakra Third eye, Crown etc. Moss AgateEncourage tranquility and emotional balanceElement EarthChakra Root and heart Garden QuartzCalming and emotion al healingElement EarthCharka all Tanzberry QuartzPositive thinking, manifestationElement fire or earthChakra Crown GarnetStrength and securityElement EarthChakre Root