Mermaid Tail mini Bowl sets
Mermaid tails and Mini Bowls
➰ Made with color resin
➰ Multi colored tails and Bowls
➰ Sky Blue, Brown, Grey and Burgundy
➰Mer tails Size: 3in
➰Bowl Size: Heart-3x2.5x1” and Square- 2.5x2.5x1"
➰ The backs are flat and they stand up
➰ For mermaid lovers everywhere
➰ Handmade
Mermaid tails and Mini Bowls
➰ Made with color resin
➰ Multi colored tails and Bowls
➰ Sky Blue, Brown, Grey and Burgundy
➰Mer tails Size: 3in
➰Bowl Size: Heart-3x2.5x1” and Square- 2.5x2.5x1"
➰ The backs are flat and they stand up
➰ For mermaid lovers everywhere
➰ Handmade
Mermaid tails and Mini Bowls
➰ Made with color resin
➰ Multi colored tails and Bowls
➰ Sky Blue, Brown, Grey and Burgundy
➰Mer tails Size: 3in
➰Bowl Size: Heart-3x2.5x1” and Square- 2.5x2.5x1"
➰ The backs are flat and they stand up
➰ For mermaid lovers everywhere
➰ Handmade